Dorcas Destinoble After a devastating earthquake, she landed in Quebec as a Haitian immigrant and quickly became a proud next-generation woman by co-founding Femmes en Emploi in Laval in 2014.
Mirlaine Dorcé-Breton In 2015, the mission, vision and values of Femmes en Emploi resonated in Mirlaine, and she became a member without any hesitation. A pillar of Femmes en Emploi, Mirlaine
Anite Martin Anite has always wanted to understand the human being and to contribute to the society she lives in. She chose to study social sciences and humanities, completing a
Rabia Ghobrini Very active on social media, this Algerian-born action woman has never stopped reinventing herself. Having played different roles with Femmes en Emploi since 2016, Rabia now works as
Sandra Amazan Sandra holds a bachelor’s degree in Career Development and a certificate in Occupational Health and Safety and acts as a community employment counsellor. She has guided several cohorts
Françoise Montlouis Coming from guinea and having lived in Europe for a long time, Françoise, once in Quebec, worked with women in the community. Through her work, several cohorts of
Talar Malkhassian With several years of experience in customer service, Talar, our office clerk, answers your questions respectfully and dynamically. She also participates in consultation tables on which Femmes en
Danielle D. Vilney With a bachelor’s degree in humanities (Bachelor of Arts), psychosocial and educational intervention profile from the UQAM, she worked there at the Students with Disabilities Integration Service.
Marjorie Rosiclair She’s a specialized educator and personal development coach with more than 30 years of experience. As well as workshop facilitator and lecturer, Marjorie is a great listener, capable
Esther Legagneur Esther is very involved in the community as a specialized educator and public health worker. She is Vice-President of Femmes en Emploi’s Board. Born of immigrant parents of
Smarilda Guervil Smarilda is a dynamic, invested woman and numbers lover. She was the first to serve as Chair of the Board of Directors when the organization was founded. Now
Derlie D. Vilmay Derlie has more than 25 years of experience as a nursing worker, and she has been passionate about this field from a very young age. Thanks to
Elcie Dagrain With more than 30 years of secretarial experience, Elcie currently serves as Administrative Assistant/Coordinator in the Quebec public service. She always cares about the well-being of people around
Fatima Ghobrini Fatima has more than 20 years of experience in general administration and finance and has various program evaluation skills. Recognized as responsible, conscientious, and very dynamic, she serves
Florence Bizindavyi She enjoys an undeniable reputation as a member involved in the community. Due to her proven track record in efficiency, loyalty and professionalism in the community, Femmes en
Dynamic members
These are our volunteers and our team from the Canada Summer Jobs Program