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For more than six years, our organization has been helping women in Laval develop their professional skills and open themselves to differences, better benefit from their multicultural wealth, and foster more harmonious economic and social development.
Within this component, we offer vulnerable and struggling women of all origins the “Psychosocial Support Service”: a set of individual meetings and quality psychosocial interventions.
We also mark International Days related to women’s issues to raise awareness, prevent, and educate on women and growing girls issues every year.
Thanks to our participatory approach and our commitment to social cohesion and integration between communities, our organization has become a reference in intercultural communication and intervention with native and immigrant women in Laval.
In this sense, our “Intercultural Bridge-building Activities” aim to create links between immigrant and native women through open and frank discussions that remove biases. Some of these are:
Its main objective is to build a cross-cultural bridge between immigrants and Laval’s native women. The project also enables marginalized women to share their experiences, migration paths, and values, which helps to bring Laval’s native women and newcomers together. See an activity here.
Every year, in February, during the Black History Month in Laval (MHNL in French), we celebrate the Afro-descendant residents of Laval for their many achievements and contributions to make Laval a proud and richer city for its diversity. For that matter, our organization, recognized by the municipality of Laval, was chosen, among others, to sign the guest book on January 31, 2020, in the presence of the mayor of Laval, Mr. Marc Demers. See past MHNL celebrations.
“Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters (SQRI in French) proposes each year to highlight the important contribution that Quebeckers of all origins make to the prosperity of Quebec. It also aims to encourage dialogue, build an intercultural bridge, and promote the positive contribution of immigration and diversity.” That is why we, Femmes en Emploi, participate in it every year. See past SQRI celebrations.
We are also committed to being part of the Week of Action against Racism and for Equal Opportunities (SACR in French), an organization that “[…] has been coordinating for 20 years a wide range of activities to bring all Quebecers together and fight against the different forms of intolerance in our society. ”
Our “Job search program” provides adequate tools to facilitate job seekers’ integration into the labour market. To that end, we offer women of all ages and backgrounds
At Femmes en Emploi, we recognize the importance of young people, girls, and teenagers, not only for the future but for the role they play in the world today. Therefore, we develop activities and projects to educate girls and give them tools to increase their chances of success, especially if they come from an immigrant or poor background.
Be on the lookout for our upcoming projects.