Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement Day

Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement Day

The 4th edition of the Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Community Involvement Day, organized by Le Coumbite Community Center of Laval and its partner Femmes en Emploi, saw the entrepreneurial spirit celebrated
Launch of Black History Month in Laval

Launch of Black History Month in Laval

Le Mois de l’histoire des noirs à Laval (MHNL) cette année a plutôt bien démarré avec son lancement à l’Hôtel de Ville avec le Maire Marc Demers en présence d’élus
Miriam, thank you for leaving on time!

Miriam, thank you for leaving on time!

Miriam, you have stripped yourself bare to share your inspiring story and tell women struggling with domestic violence: "you are not alone, you can leave, you can run, the days
Annual General Meeting 2020

Annual General Meeting 2020

The Annual General Meeting was held on June 30, 2020. We presented the 2019/2020 activity report and financial statements, our action plan, and the 2020-2021 budget forecast to the membership.
16th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters

16th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters

The 16th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters (Semaine québécoise des rencontres interculturelles, SQRI) was held throughout Quebec from November 5 to 11, 2018, including our beautiful city Laval. The Quebec Week
SOS Operation Furniture

SOS Operation Furniture

During the entire month of September 2017, in Laval, Femmes en Emploi and its team enabled several Laval families to help women seeking asylum, as well as their families. We rented a
2018 Annual General Meeting

2018 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held on October 26, 2018. We presented the 2017 activity report and financial statements, the action plan, and the 2018-2019 budget forecast to the membership.
15th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters

15th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters

The 15th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters (Semaine québécoise des rencontres interculturelles, SQRI) was held throughout Quebec from October 23 to 29, 2017, including our beautiful city, Laval.
2017: Drawing Contest

2017: Drawing Contest

On the International Day of the Girl Child, Femmes en Emploi and FOVA (Fondation Voix Angélique), organized from September 1 to October 1, 2017, a great free drawing contest, open