Black History Month in Laval – 2020: Closing Gala
Black History Month in Laval (BHML) had a great start this year with its launch at City Hall with Mayor Marc Demers in the presence of elected officials and personalities
Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement Day
The 4th edition of the Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Community Involvement Day, organized by Le Coumbite Community Center of Laval and its partner Femmes en Emploi, saw the entrepreneurial spirit celebrated
Launch of Black History Month in Laval
Le Mois de l’histoire des noirs à Laval (MHNL) cette année a plutôt bien démarré avec son lancement à l’Hôtel de Ville avec le Maire Marc Demers en présence d’élus
16th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters
The 16th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters (Semaine québécoise des rencontres interculturelles, SQRI) was held throughout Quebec from November 5 to 11, 2018, including our
beautiful city Laval. The Quebec Week
SOS Operation Furniture
During the entire month of September 2017, in Laval, Femmes en Emploi and its team enabled
several Laval families to help women seeking asylum, as well as their families.
We rented a
15th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters
The 15th Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters (Semaine québécoise des rencontres interculturelles, SQRI) was held throughout Quebec from October 23 to 29, 2017, including our beautiful city, Laval.