What great news!

What great news!

Want to know the good news? Yes, I imagine! You just had to be present on January 25, 2020, at the Lausanne Community Center to find out, as agreed!
Black History Month in Laval – 2020: Closing Gala

Black History Month in Laval – 2020: Closing Gala

Black History Month in Laval (BHML) had a great start this year with its launch at City Hall with Mayor Marc Demers in the presence of elected officials and personalities
5 years, that deserves a lovely party!

5 years, that deserves a lovely party!

Each organization has its history, a true heritage that it does not always think of developing. But there is no need to go beyond a century of existence to organize
Canada Summer Jobs

Canada Summer Jobs

As part of the Canada Summer Jobs program, we are delighted to welcome two (2) passionate and dedicated young people to our team from July 7 to August 28, 2020. Corallie
2019 Annual General Meeting

2019 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held on June 25, 2019. We presented our 2018/2019 activity report and financial statements, our action plan, and our 2019-2020 budget forecast to the members.
International Women’s Rights Day

International Women’s Rights Day

The power to act is now! First, a few words to congratulate Miriam Icard for launching her book “The Footprints of a Destructive Love.” She tells us her story of domestic
Women’s Intercultural Sharing Group

Women’s Intercultural Sharing Group

The Intercultural Women's Sharing Group is a constructive space for sharing, exchange, and communication between immigrant women of diverse origins and Quebec women. This project has two main objectives: 1) To create
Laval Intercultural Sharing Group

Laval Intercultural Sharing Group

A significant challenge is the over-representation of young black Quebecers, especially those of Haitian origin, at the DPJ due to abusive reporting. Twenty-four (24) exchange meetings are planned over 12 months with