5 years, that deserves a lovely party!
Each organization has its history, a true heritage that it does not always think of developing. But there is no need to go beyond a century of existence to organize an anniversary, and that is why Femmes en Emploi marked these 5 years of existence at the Lausanne Community Center on Sunday, June 16, 2019.
5 years, this really deserved a lovely party!
Thank you to our guests of honour:
Mrs. Nadine Francillon, President of FOVA
Ms. Marie-Ève Surprenant, Coordinator of the TCLCF
Mr. Angelo Iacono, Member of Parliament for Alfred Pellan Mr. Josué Corvil, Councillor of St-Michel
Mr. David De Cotis, Municipal Councillor, District of Saint-Bruneau
Mr. Michel Poissant, Municipal Councillor, District of Vimont
Mr. Philippe Long, representative of the MNA for Fabre, Monique Sauvé
Thank you for your wishes; we have noted your promises to help us achieve our goals, the most important of which is to have a home! TO HAVE A ROOF OVER OUR HEADS!
We also pay tribute to our partners and collaborators.
The City of Laval
The Sylvain Garneau and Laure Conan Libraries
The Le Coumbite Community Center de Laval, directed by Mr. Josfère Michel The TCLCF, directed by Mrs. Marie-Ève Surprenant
The CFL, directed by Ms. Graciela Matéo and Ms. Corine Vanderborgth Ms. Khady Sow of Opale Magazine
and Mrs. Claudia Perez of the ALCTL (Latin American Association of Cultures and Traditions in Laval)
Ms. Mélissa Faustin, Femmes en Emploi’s Ambassador.
During these five years, we met extraordinary people who knew how to trust us, some of them became friends, we can’t mention them all, but we have a special thought for the most faithful of them:
Miss Jessey Charles, our faithful animator
Hans Ovide, from Ateliers Neuronix
Frantz Corvil, our photographer
Jean Claude Benoit from MT Net
Riccardi Denis, our sound engineer
Thanks to all the artists who gave breathtaking performances:
Joyce N’Sana, her guitarist Chris Hamel and her percussionist Elli Miller Maboungou
The SOLE DANSE MODERNE TRADITIONNELLE Group (Mélissa Charles-Junior Colin-Pascal Michel-Valery Laguerre-Claudja Vertus-Kettia Joseph and the PERCUSSIONIST-Karl-Henry Brezault)
David Mezy
CFONIX exes (Dania, Shana, Windy and Elizabeth)
A huge thank you to our volunteers
Fatima Ghobrini
Mona Jean Gilles
Kevin Vilmay
Thank you all for accepting our invitation. Without you, we are not so much!
And finally, we have a particular thought for our families, our husbands and our children, who accept sacrificing so many things, supporting us against all odds.
Thank you a million times! Photo credit: Frantz Corvil